Delivering on-site services that mitigate the primary risks associated with enterprise IT asset disposition: data sanitization and electronic waste management.
Data Sanitization
Privacy laws, regulations, and policies mandate that personally identifiable information (PII) must be protected, and that unauthorized access to this information must be reported. PII is any information about an individual maintained by an organization that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual‘s identity or can be linked or linkable to an individual.
The average cost of a data breach reached an all-time high in 2023 of US$4.45 million. This represents a 2.3% increase from the 2022 cost of US$4.35 million. Taking a long-term view, the average cost has increased 15.3% from US$3.86 million in 2020. The average cost of a data breach for a financial services organization was US$5.90 million. Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) contains hundreds of pages’ worth of requirements and it is considered one of the toughest privacy and security laws globally.
While not necessarily mandated by privacy laws, regulations, and policies, the unauthorized access of company confidential and proprietary information can potentially be even more damaging.
Revert’s Data Sanitization and Enterprise IT Asset Disposition Services are specifically designed to ensure compliance with data privacy laws, regulations, and policies that require data storage be sanitized to prevent unauthorized access to NPI, PII, and PHI during the data and/or IT asset retirement stages.
Electronic Waste Management
There is over 347 metric tons of unrecycled e-waste on earth in 2024. Only 17.4% of e-waste is known to be collected and properly recycled.
Revert’s Enterprise IT Asset Disposition Service ensures compliance with local, state, and federal legislation and industry regulations for electronic waste disposal and responsible recycling.
Green IT
Data centers are responsible for 2.5% of all human-induced carbon dioxide, and have a greater carbon footprint than the aviation industry (2.1%).
Revert’s Enterprise IT Asset Disposition Service helps reduce carbon footprint and ensures compliance with local, state, and federal legislation and industry regulations for electronic waste disposal and recycling.
References: IBM/Ponemon Group, Geneva Environment Network, United Nations University, World Economic Forum, Allied Market Research