Case Studies

Revert’s on-site data sanitization and enterprise IT asset disposition solutions scale to meet any requirement, no matter the size or complexity

On-Site Data Sanitization and IT Asset Disposition by Revert

Problem: Revert was tasked with delivering on-site data sanitization and IT asset disposition services for a Dublin office of a leading provider of financial services to institutional investors. The project required processing of 950 assets, including large LCD and plasma televisions, desktop PCs, laptops, printers, and network switches. The challenge

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Large State Agency – Hundreds of sites, Thousands of Assets

Question: How do you properly disposition thousands of desktop systems across more than one hundred sites in one of America’s most populated states? Answer: With comprehensive planning and execution provided by an ITAD expert. Revert has proven time and again that it has the skills, creativity and scalability to tackle

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Accelerated Data Sanitization for Cisco UCS Solution

Problem: A US-based global content company required on-site standards-compliant data sanitization for a Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) solution consisting of multiple servers and network switches. The challenge was to complete the process within a tight two-day deadline. Challenges: The cluster included multiple disk drive types, including 240GB SSDs, 3.8TB

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